Recognise, Intervene, Report – Shaping a Culture of Responsibility
This training focuses on sexual abuse, domestic abuse, and harassment, providing individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to recognise, intervene in, and report incidents of violence and abuse.
The training aims to transform the culture within the institutions it works with. It equips individuals with the skills, knowledge and confidence to challenge inappropriate behaviour in their professional and personal lives.
The skills acquired are not limited to incidents of power-based personal violence. They can be utilised in any situation where there is a risk of escalation or harm.
Overview Training:
The overview covers essential concepts of the active bystander initiative. This interactive session delves into potential barriers encountered when intervening in incidents. It serves as an excellent introduction to the initiative's core principles.
Time: 1.5 hours
Active Bystander Training:
Delving deeper into the role of active bystanders and addressing perceived barriers to intervention. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and discuss what they can do to support the movement in their communities.
Time: 3 hours
Training Format
Both trainings can be delivered online on in person.
Please note: Both training sessions delve into delicate topics including sexual abuse, domestic abuse, and harassment. If you ever feel uneasy during the training, please don't hesitate to bring it up with the trainers. They are equipped with the necessary training to support you throughout the program.
Contact us for a free consultation today to see how our Active Bystander Training can provide you with the knowledge and confidence to address abuse and harassment.
“Shaneen is a highly competent and exceptional colleague. She manages a complex and challenging project at University of Westminster, coordinating the implementation of our Active Bystander project, which seeks to prevent sexual harassment and abuse. She works effectively with all staff - from our Vice-Chancellor onwards - as well as with our Student Union and the wider student body. Her passion and drive inspire all who come into contact with her. I am continuously impressed by her ability to manage a very demanding workload and to deliver tangible outputs. Her work is having a significant impact at Westminster, one which could not be achieved without her combination of professional knowledge, organisational skills and outstanding ability to persuade and influence"
Director of Student & Academic Services, University of Westminster
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